I know that there are a lot of words on this blog...but read it...it's fabulous b/c mostly it is written by someone other than me!
I was listening to my favorite radio program this morning and the topic was "did your sibling get something that you did not," or some version of that. Not to complain, but if I could have been blessed with just some of the genes that the lovely Amy White, my sister, has I would be, well if nothing less I would be a bit more organized.
This week she is teaching an adult class for vbs at my parent's church. I was reminded of her ability to amaze after she just briefly described the class to me. She calls it "The ABC's of Simple Hospitality." With out going on and on I want to share just a bit of her knowledge! I tried to edit it down, but it was chock-a-block full of hospitable information! Read enjoy!
The ABC’s of Simple Hospitality
…Opening Your Heart and Your Home…
prepared by Amy White
The ABC’s of Simple Hospitality
I. What is Hospitality?
A. Defining “Hospitality”(This is the dictionary def. We will define it more in terms of what this means for me as a believer in Jesus Christ.)
1.) hospitable treatment, reception, disposition
2.) given to generous and cordial reception of guests
3.) offering a pleasant or sustaining environment
B. Defining “Entertaining”
1.) comes from the old idea of hospitality
2.) used in place of hospitality today
3.) alludes to the idea of putting on a show—something extravagant
- This leads to…
- house is too small
- house is not nice enough
- can’t cook very good
- don’t have the $ = cost too much
II. What God’s Word Says About Hospitality
A. It is Practiced(Proverbs 31 Woman: A picture of her over a lifetime. She provides food for her family & maidens. She opens her arms to the poor (NIV) and stretches out her hands to the needy (NASV).)
1.) Romans 12:13—“…Practice hospitality.”
2.) It is not a gift given only to some. It is for all of us to put into practice.
3.) People cannot master something until they have spent time practicing.
B. It is Evident(Rom. 16:23…Paul writes of a fellow brother from the Corinthian church named Gaius. Described as one whose hospitality Paul and the whole church here enjoy. Men and women both are called to hospitality.)
1.) I Timothy 5:10—“…and is well known for her good deeds, such as…showing hospitality…”
2.) This is a life-long process…not just for a certain season of life.
3.) Others will recognize this in you—not by what you say, but by what you do.
C. It is done with a Right Attitude(Luke 10:38-42…story of Mary and Martha… Martha allowed herself to get distracted by all around her that needed to be done. This led to her being “worried and upset”, and in all of this she forgot the most important thing, her guest—which happened to be Jesus.)
1.) I Peter 4:9—“Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling.”
2.) Offering hospitality should be an outward extension of inward motivation
3.) What is motivating you to reach-out to others?
The ABC’s of Simple Hospitality
Remember Martha…What is your mindset? What or Who are you focusing on?
You will be blessed when you choose to minister to others…when you serve…when you give
Who can you connect with?
Hospitality is a relational thing.
Get the whole family involved… cleaning/setting the table/ picking out toys for younger children/ serving/ opening the door-greeter
Let things flow from the meal to the conversation
Getting to know your guests and their interests. Share what God is doing. Keep your conversation pleasing to the Lord and unoffensive (Phil. 4:8)
G—Give your best
Even when on a budget…even when keeping it simple…still give your best.
Make people feel at home.
“Some folks make you feel at home, and others make you wish you were.”
There has to be an invitation…How many times do we say “We’ve got to get together”? Get it on the calendar.
J—Jesus Christ
Our example of loving others…extending friendship… ministering to others…not self
K—Keep it simple
Especially when in practice mode… What is your simple? What do you do best? Some it’s gourmet all the way…Some it’s Stouffer’s lasagna.. both are great, just remember what attitude you do it with
Be looking for opportunities to minister…newly married couples, new parents, someone from S.S., small group, Bible Study, those going through hard time
1-- Family—children/grandchildren
2—To those younger than you both spiritually & physically…Let them into your kitchen and home
N—Not “entertaining”
“Not putting on a show”
It’s about the relationship with the other person.
P—Pray & Practice
Bring it to the Lord for…
Blessing for you, your guest, event
Opportunity to encourage
Q—Quitting isn’t an option
Don’t get discouraged and distracted…You can do this!
If you are relaxed, your guests will be too.
Hospitality and the heart of serving go together. Reflects to others not to you.
It will take time…preparing your home…preparing food…the actual get-together…but it is a sacrifice, and when done with the right attitude, you will be blessed
U—Utilize what you have
You don’t have to “tablescape”… There are fun times for that, but for simply offering hospitality focus on the people, not the coordinating colors of your food, flowers, wall colors, tablewear, your outfit!
Your guests…value the time they’ve set aside to visit w/ you…value what they have to say…put away distractions
From the first knock until the door closes as they leave have a welcoming spirit.
Set expectations early on…with a right attitude and motivation
Y—You and Your Family
Begins w/ you and your family first…Practice w/ them first…Do they see hospitality in you—daily, weekly, or only when guests come?
Means: the quality of enhancing enjoyment. You be the zest…don’t allow the “stuff” to be the zest
Do Not…(This part cracks me, Carly, right up b/c it is exactly what I do)
1.) Apologize for your house
2.) Apologize for what you don’t have
3.) Expect an invitation in return
4.) Forget your motivation…your ministry
She also gave me recipes...after I try them all, I will take pictures and post them so you can see how the delicious and simple they are!