Saturday, August 11, 2007

DIY The Finished Project!

Don-don-daaaa...I know that you have been waiting for this since the beginning of my blogging days... here it is before

And here it is now, DIY complete...except that now I think that we need a darker floor. Wood flooring is what I am hoping for, not now, but when money allows! Wahoo!

Why is Trouble on the kitchen counter in the photo above??? Naughty cat

I love the color of the cabinets, it is exactly what I wanted. I like the green walls also, it reminds me of celery and I like celery, especially with cream cheese and paprika which is very much the color palette of our DIYed kitchen...Spectacular


Erin said...

Love the kitchen. We'll have to venture to each other's homes! Seriously.

Tessa said...

It looks great, Carly Jo Jones! Way to go, Carly and Kevin!!! Nothing like a little DIY!

Sandra said...

The kitchen looks really good and I'm sure the wooden floor would finish it off perfectly - just have to be patient for a while I suppose.