Sunday, August 26, 2007

Here's To Mrs. Gillian

My best and dearest friend Laura Beth McElheny will become Mrs. Laura Beth Gillian in less than 3 weeks. We are all eagerly awaiting this special day with happy hearts. Yesterday the ladies in her life, showered her with love, well wishes, bath towels, kitchen appliances, and every day dishes. Here are some pics from a Saturday afternoon well spent and here's to Mrs. Gillian- the loveliest of brides and a precious friend!

With Great Love Sweet Laura.

Laura and friends

Laura's and her bridesmaids
Mother of the bride and daughter
And Presents!!!!!!!!!


Laura said...

Thank you sweet bridesmaids for a wonderful day.

Car, I love the pics. You girls are the best. I can't wait until Brandi is here, so that we can all be together.


Brandi said...

Cute pics!! Wish I was there!

Love you,