Friday, February 10, 2012

Go To Sleep. Please.

I am not supposed to be blogging right now.  I am supposed to be working on something else.  I'd rather write this down though.

My Little and Littlest are napping right now.  One is napping.  One has had to be escorted back to her room around 4 times. I think.  I'm a tolerant woman, but raising children will test your patience to the brink.  The first time "oh Mommy I forgot to go" (you know what she forgot to do...the proof was in the potty).  Second time, I heard the distinct sound of her closet door and found her changing her clothes, again.  The third time, she was playing something with my old porceline doll that she took the prarie dress off of and now calls a supper hero.  The fourth time, I don't know what she was doing but I used a tone tha was less than nice and may have caused some children, like my tender hearted Littlest to cry.
Not my Little.
 I huffed out of her room in furry hopeful that the thought of Mommy upest at her would scare her into staying in her bed and resting...
Not my proudest Mommy moment, but there you go, frustration happens on the occasion.  Especially when I'm longing for  my two hours of nap time quiet.
So any way, I settled back down at the office computer, took a sip of my now cold coffee, and started working again, when all of a sudden I heard a little song drifting it's way down the hall and into my ears...
"If you're happy and you know it, put your head down, if you're happy and you know it put your head down, if your happy and you know it than you really out to show it..."

I smiled, and felt ashamed of the tone I had used with my amazing, creative, spirited,  naughty, quirky, beautiful, funny girl.
My precious, precious girl.
God bless that wild thing...I love her so.
Even if she doesn't take a nap.
For the record, she got up a 5th time, and a 6th time and now Maggie is crying.
So much for nap time.
Grace and Peace


Sandra said...

I hope nap time goes better today - that's if they are not too excited because Daddy is back home!

Art Teacher's Mom said...

Is that a bruise on Libby's forehead in Photo #1? It looks like a bruise from here. :) Love the fact she changes her clothes so often. Reminds me of her Mommy as a child.

Art Teacher said...

Mom!!!! You commented! I's so proud of you. Yes, that is a bruise. Our little friend pelted her with a block by accident. I din't realize how bad it was until after the fact. In the moment I was kinda of like just shake it off honey, then I realized what a bump she got!

Jill said...

What a sweet little gail.