Tuesday, August 9, 2011

It's True

When Maggie was a newborn, I would hold her in front of my vanity mirror and stare at her little body against mine and feel relief that even though she was a whole month old, she was still very small.  I knew I  had time left with my teeny, tiny, wrinkled skin baby.
I held her in front of the very same mirror the other day and her chubby little legs are starting to hang off my lap...I sighed...not so little now, wrinkles replaced with rolls.  We hit 7 months the other day and while she is growing, and learning, and changing everyday, she is much the same as I have always described her on this blog.  At seven months she is still a sweet,sweet girl.  People make the "what a good baby" comment about her...(I don't particularly love this statement b/c I think it is a bit of a slap in the face to all the bad babies out there...they can't help it, they're babies..) Still, it makes me glad that others see this quality in her like I, her mother, do.  She smiles, she laughs, and she has one tooth with another on the way.  She likes to feed herself.  She likes to pull up on things and stand near Libby, but this makes her laugh so hard that she normally falls, but with real determination she gets right back up...she'll need to hold on to that one, it will serve her well in life.
I'm sorry  I have to say it like I always do, but time is a wicked and beautiful thing...it is like trying to catch sand in sieve, or running water in your hands...how is my MaggieBell 7 months old?
She is though, and next month will be 8 months, and before I know it 16.  Surely I'll be on some kind of happy pills by then, b/c this whole watching my children grow makes me a blubbery mess.  Who knew it would be one of the hardest, most wonderful things I've ever done?
Happy growing precious girl.  You are well loved.



Sandra said...

I love the picture of Maggie sat in the bottom draw and, like you, can't believe she is 7 months old and is already pulling herself up to stand by Libby - will she be taking her first steps by the time I visit?

Jill said...

She looks so much like Libs in the drawer picture. I love her rolls.

Lisa A said...

Those two pictures are totally adorable! I cannot believe she is 7 months either! I still remember getting a text from Erin telling me that I needed to read your blog asap! :)