Friday, December 17, 2010

December 17th

Tick, tick, tick....

That's how I feel about my time with Libs these days.  Like some how in the next couple of weeks she and I are going to lose something that we've had together these last two years.
Don't judge me too harshly, I know that we have only good things to gain with the arrival of her little sister.  The truth is I am eager to hold my new baby in my arms. I can't wait for those little legs to crunch up under her body against my chest, for those late night feedings when the whole house is quiet except for her and I, and the smell, I can't wait for the baby smell!  I know that all the pieces will fall into place once she arrives and we will barely remember what life was like before we had her...

 I love my Little.  I went back in the blog last night and read about day after day of her and I.  Some days filled with magical Mama and baby moments, some days hard, some days filled with Daddy, but all days since September 15, 2008 filled with a story about my Little girl.
We went on a last Mama and Libby horrah today and it was perfect.  No melt downs, not one Libby drop down.  We went to the movies for the first time together...We saw Tangled with our friends Heather and Katie.  Libby absolutely loved it!  She sat  mesmerized by everything from the dimming lights, to the popcorn, to giant screen.  When we got in the car to go pick up Kev, she said,
"that was fun mom."

She talked about it until she drifted off to sleep tonight...wearing her Tangled t-shirt which she was adamant about sleeping in...I let her wear it insead of her pj top.  It was a good day for her and I don't think that she wanted it to on my wedding day, when I crawled in bed next to my new husband, still wearing my dress and veil.
It was a good day.
A great day.
Here's to great days, may they come more often than not...may you dear reader, have one today.

Grace and Peace


Sandra said...

I'm sure you and Libby will gain more than you lose with the arrival of Maggie - 3 girls together will be so much fun!
Libby certainly looks to have enjoyed her first visit to the cinema - hope she will still be happy watching her cartoons on a small television screen.

Jill said...

Way to make me cry Dar!

Jill said...
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Erin said...

LOVE! I am so glad she loved the movie! What a fun time. I think we are taking Hope on Christmas to see it. And yes, I cried too reading this. I have been feeling the same way. Love you.

MommyB said...

I felt this EXACT way before I had Colbie, Avery was my best bud for almost 3 years and it really is different now, I definitely don't get as much time with her as I would like and she hangs out with daddy a lot (as I'm nursing) but seeing the two girls play, hug, and laugh together melts my heart and I can't wait to watch them grow up together. I know your girls will have this too! One of my good friends said giving Avery a sibling will be the best gift you'll ever give her, and so far they're right.