Monday, April 26, 2010

12 Steps

I pretty sure that I am suffering from internet they have 12 steps for internet addiction, are there programs I could enroll in!  I wasted so much time last week, so by the end of week, as I trolled through pages of 18-24 months ebay sundresses, I had it with myself and stopped turning the computer on during the day, hence the lack of posts.  The Little is resting now and I've been pretty productive today so felt like now was a good time to mention that we went to the circus last week and loved it!
Libby cheered when the performers came out in the opening parade,  she waved, she squealed, she laughed!   As a mother, it was almost a perfect moment, she was so happy, and why shouldn't she, we were at the CIRCUS!  I cried, in delight.  I love those moments.

The highlight of the day was hearing my name called at the beginning of the show because I won a drawing!!!!  One of the pre-show acts was a painting elephant. The painting is then raffled off.  Who should be so lucky?  Actually, my friend works the sound board for the circus band,  and he secretly  rigged the drawing as a surprise for us! 
Plus, who wouldn't love a painting done by an elephant with the Ringling Brothers Barnum & Bailey's stamp of approval!  It's hanging in play room at this very moment. 
Speaking of elephants, Libby has an interesting love- hate relationship with them.   She loved seeing them....

Until they did that trick where they all stand up one each others backs, then she started to tremble with fear and say "nooooo," "noooooo!"  I told her they weren't fighting and that they were nice.  Now whenever she looks through her program and gets to elephant page, she says, "el-phants no-no, el-phants nice."
Hands down, it really is "the greatest show on earth."  Next time the circus train comes to town, we are definitely there!

The next day had spring written all over it.  It was sunny and just cool enough for long sleeves.  We took Dadue to a new park we visited during the week and instead of a quick romp, we stayed for hours.  Here's lots of pics to keep you, cousin Jill, and whoever else cares too look, tided over, until I give myself permission to piddle on the computer again.

Here's hoping you are outside taking a walk and not sitting on the opposite side of a computer screen. If you're not, turn it off and go outside. Before we know it, summer will be here and we'll all have to close our windows and doors and slather ourselves with sun block to retrieve the mail.
I love a lot of things, but I especially love spring, and the way Libby blends right in with all the other things that are growing.
Grace and peace friends.


Jill said...

I love when I get special shout outs. Especially because you sensed that I was about to send a threatening text to put up new pictures. Next time the circus comes, Cousin Jill is DEFINITELY going. No questions asked. Love you all.

Erin said...

LOVE the pics!! Love them! Can you tell me how you do the pics in the little collage like that, please? I love that she loved the circus. I want to take Hope. I also love how she says El-phant no no, El-phant nice. That's exactly what Hope thought about the Easter Bunny (Hop Hop) only she also added Hop Hop night night.

Griffen said...

I'm not sure how I've missed the fact that you have a blog... or rather - a most AMAZING blog:) I know we don't "really" know each other (speaking of internet addictions) but I wanted to tell you I am now an enrolled reader, and find myself looking forward to your lovely, vibrant posts, and very honest thoughts. Grace and peace to YOU!!

Griffen said...

One more thing. Can you tell me the secret of getting your pics to post so BIG!! I just use the blogger uploader - set to the largest size it will allow, and I'm posting at half the size of yours. I love the look of the larger photos...

Lisa A said...

Agree with Sandra about the size of the photos. Maybe you could allow yourself to do a tutorial, then go back outside. :) I am so jealous of all the beautiful places you have to take pictures! Summer is already in full swing down here. Sunscreen is a must, and long sleeves are no more. :( P.S. Please allow yourself to get on to update occasionally because I was having withdrawals of Libs.

Sandra said...

I am sitting on the other side of a computer screen right now but will take your advice. I am going to walk across the cliffs into Bude to do some shopping. By the way I have just got another sun dress for Libby on Ebay - green with white spots!

TeamWhitehead06 said...

Oh my Gosh! I am so jealous that won a painting by an elephant! I love the photos by the way!

Jill said...

Every time that I notice you've been on facebook, I run to your blog hoping that you've put up new stories. I really miss my little gail.