Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Too Many, Too Much, Too Long

Too many activities to talk about, too much to look at, and too long to go with out the one that helps you run like clockwork.
Seems like it has been a while and it seems like we have done a lot.
Grandma was here to spend ten days or so with us. We went to parks, play lands and parties. We dropped her off at the airport on Monday and couldn't bare the thought of coming home to an empty house.

We didn't. We went back to Babs and Grandad's house to spend some much needed playtime with cousins.
We wished this one a happy birthday, because he is one now you know.
And we got hugs from Grandad, since we're missing our Daddy so terribly bad.
The Little and I have done a bit more of loving on each other since our normal is just a little bit off when he's away...
There has been a little more silliness, more raging "I can see 2 on the horizon" temper tantrums, more hip holding, more playing outside together, and more sleep- overs (where ever Mommy is sleeping that is). Which is fine, because it's not normal when he's not here.
We miss him...but I think we are going to make it. We are only on week one though. :)

Here's hoping you're having a normal day, and if you're not consider a sleep over as a remedy!



Melanie said...

i love your bangs

Jill said...

I love every single picture on this post. The one of Christian with the gals in the background is PERFECT. The one with Libs and Christian and Granddad is PERFECT. Sandra and Libby are PERFECT. Do you get my drift? Have a great, safe time in Florida!!!

Derek said...

Grandma has been showing us all the latest pics. They are all very nice and Libby is looking quite grown up. Glad you had a nice time. Hope it is not too quiet back at home now.