Thursday, March 11, 2010

"All The Who's Down IN Whoville" ~ Dr. Suess

Have you ever woke up in the morning, only to find yourself calculating the hours you have before you get to go to bed again? That was me today...all day wanting so badly to sleep. Wow, does that mean I'm depressed, b/c I'm not, I'm just tired! Unfortunately, my present profession guilts me into a nap free lifestyle. Therefore sweeping, and mopping, and folding all won the battle of what to do during nap time today.
Strangely,I had a burst of energy at about 5:00 so Cindy Lou Who and I had a dinner date, split an apple, then went and read books at Barnes and Noble until her bed time rolled around.
These days with out him are long and my creativity and patience as a house wife and Mommy are stretched. Weighing the alternative of getting a paying job and letting someone else grow her right, I'll take what we've got going here. I miss him, she misses him, but without him we would not be able to spend days together looking for pine cones...and that my friends is a great way to spend an afternoon.
Here's hoping you get the chance to split an apple with someone your not afraid of getting germs from. It was kind of fun, and made us both grin from ear to ear.

Grace and peace


Trevor said...

Possibly the best description of love I've ever read...

..."someone your not afraid of getting germs from"...

Erin said...

Can't wait till you get to come hang out with us!

MommyB said...

Sounds like you're doing a great job mommy!! Hope you enjoy your trip to Florida, not sure how many pinecones Lib will find there though. ;)

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Jill said...

I miss my little gal.