Wednesday, July 9, 2008

I Will Not Be Silenced Anymore

I have been trying to not blog about this but after two sightings today without trying to look for it, I can't hold it in anymore. My issue is pajama pants in public. I feel like I saw this a lot in my college years, but thought the trend of wearing ones slumbering attire out into the world had gone out.
I don't think so though- Every time I go to the Ashland Walmart, which is my least favorite place to go, I see someone wearing a pair of flannel, printed, comfy, cozy pants.
It really bothers me, that there are people in this world that won't take the time to get dressed properly to go to the store, Walmart or not.
How do you feel about this? If you are guilty of this crime, don't be offended by this blog, but consider changing the habit and wearing real clothes out in public and not some thing you lounge around the house in!

The End


Teri said...

Guilty as charged. I L-O-V-E to wear pajama pants in public. Fashion sense went out the window about 3 years ago for me. My husband hates this about me and is very embarassed by it. I'm so sorry. Maybe you should facilitate a recovery program or something.

Laura said...

SHAME ON YOU TERI! just kidding. But seriously, I am not sure how to handle the pj pants... just wait til it gets colder, all you will see will be sweatshirts and jeans... no cute sweaters, no cute corderoy jackets, it's something about that region of the us... ha.

Melanie said...

some one call....stacy and clinton from"what not to wear" they will set them straight.

Art Teacher said...

Oh Teri, we must must find you comfy pants that aren't sleeping apparel also. Have you ever considered palazo pants, or maybe something ethnic like the pants that Indian ladies wear with their sari's?

Teri said...

Saris and ethnic pants sound delightful to me! Where can I get some?

MommyB said...
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MommyB said...

or perhaps when you become a mommy all of your clothes will have spit up on them and all you'll be left with is pajama pants, what a cruel joke.