Monday, December 5, 2016

Just a Little Sadness: Day 5

The very first time I ever watched White Christmas, was at my Gram's house in Florida.  If I close my eyes I can picture it in mind, photos of every family member taped together in frames draped with  palm fronds, knick-knacks on every shelf and red jello in the fridge.  The candy dish on the coffee table properly stocked with Werther Originals and Coffee Nips and the neighborhood phone book stacked underneath.  
I can hear the way my lovely Grams would say my name, "Hi Car," never my full name, which maybe is why I shorten just about everyone's name I know. I can hear her saying "you take care, ya here," at the end of every talk. Oh, I can hear her laugh!
I got a Christmas card in the mail today from one of my aunts and just for a moment, I thought it was from Grams.  Their handwriting so similar, I thought for second that even in her absence she was prepared to send me a Christmas card.
I do miss her.  Sometimes I don't think it's possible that a woman with such energy and zest for life could be gone.  I've  reached for the phone just to chat with her because I forget that she's left this life for her forever home.  She is at rest with in the loving arms of our Creator but she is so dearly missed.  So just for today, I'll bring the Christmas hype down just a notch to say that  losses are hard, goodbyes are sad, but Christmas is good.  The promise of Christmas is that we do not mourn with those that do not have hope.  We know that we will see her again.

She'll be the one on the dance floor, laughing and smiling and having the best time.


Art Teacher's Mom said...

The picture of Mom and all the children is priceless. She loved being with family.

Sandra said...

Your Gran was a lovely lady and I am sure all your family will be missing her this Christmas.