Sunday, December 21, 2014

Dear Santa

I'm sorry I cheated on you this year and went to see a different Santa.  I couldn't bring myself to drive all the way to Richmond to see you, it's a lot of work for one mama.  So we went to a Santa close by.  He was good, but he wasn't the real you;).  Forgive us Santa, for moving too far away to see you every year.
That Crazy Jones Woman

I thought about it.  Driving to Richmond to see the same Santa that we have seen every year since Libby was born.  Kevin said that I should give myself  break and do it the easy way.  So we went to Hampton, and their Santa is very good too.
Here is the unofficial "official" shot.  Maggie is making progress and though she wouldn't sit on Santa's lap, she would sit on Libby's lap which is the closest she's got so far.
Cooper, not so much.
 There's my darling shy girl.
 I love this moment every year.  The moment when it's almost her turn.
 I don't even know if she really believes in Santa Claus, but she loves seeing him.  It hit me that very soon she is going to be past this stage...too big for his lap.  Childhood is so fast.  I still remember the one and only time I sat on Santa's lap and didn't cry.  It was at my Aunt Judy's house and his beard was fake for sure.  I was probably six.
 Here is Libs mothering Cooper and Maggie worrying that I won't go with her.
 I'm here Little Mags, I won't make you go alone.
 Talking through the process
 Santa knows who Elsa is, perfect, he and Maggie can be friends.
 High-five and Cooper is a fan.

Thanks for the free photo and the candy cane.  We'll see you next year Santa!

Grace and Peace


Laura said...

I like this Santa... and his mustache.

Sandra said...

Another great Santa - I'm sure the Richmond Santa will forgive you for deserting him this year.