Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Christmas Time and a Bloody Lip

Let's get one thing straight, there are still no decorations up in my house.
I have been making loose attempts at being Christmasy each day.  For starters, on December 1, I pulled out two Christmas place mats for breakfast and threw my hands up in the air and said "it's December!"  Then I yelled "hurry-up, we're late for school."  Merry Christmas girls, Mommy's nuts.
On December 2nd, I remembered I bought them snowflake covered cake pops from the Drop 'n Shop at Libby's school.  Maggie cried because she had to share, then Kevin tried console her and she cried some more.
Today we bake some cookies, that I burned, and then I did wintery Jambicures.  I started at 4:00 and some how didn't end them until 6:45.  Maggie ruined one at bath time, which sent her into the depths of three year old despair.  When we finally got our brood upstairs, the girls crashed into each other and Libby got a bloody lip.  It was a exciting way to end the day.
Tomorrow I'm going  to attempt Christmas card pictures.  
You know how that goes :)Here's hoping that tomorrow doesn't involve any more blood.
How's that for a Christmas post?
Grace and Peace

1 comment:

Sandra said...

The nails are looking good. Hope the Christmas card pictures turn out as well. Will be thinking of you trying to get everyone smiling and looking in the right direction!