Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Time to Write

September I'm not sure how you got here, but you're here now and I have some catching up to do.
I'm all up in my head today wondering about the speed of time, and growing children, and kindergarten, and babies about to turn one year old, and a little girl content to stay with mama one more year.

 Summer blew by us with a little low, and a lot of highs.  I wish I had written about every high.  How every day something that those amazing children do make me so thankful that they are mine.

 Some moms are amazing planners.  You've seen them at the park, at the mall and everywhere else.  They have snacks, they have cups, they have first aid kits, they have a packed lunch, they have bug spray, they leave in time for naps to keep with their schedule.

 That is not me.
I am a terrible planner.  I almost always forget something truly important, like diapers!  I never leave in time for proper naps and sometimes I skip them all together if we are having fun.

 One day in July, I planned to skip naps, I remembered bug spray, and I think I remembered to pack drinks.  I took the kids to the most magical blueberry farm.  We were almost the only pickers there.  My children ran wild down the rows of berries and it made me wish that we lived in the country.  True to form, the ate more than they picked and had a glorious time doing so.  If the woman at the farm stand had known about all the berries they ate she would have weighed the children after she weighed my buckets.


As if this farm wasn't dreamy enough, on the opposite side of the road was row after row of beautiful blackberries.  The bushes were heavy laden with berries.  All we had to do was reach out our hands and berries were falling in them and almost straight into our mouths.

This sign is true of the berries and my children, all three.
Grace and Peace

1 comment:

Art Teacher's Mom said...

I'm pretty sure the pictures at the berry farm will be among my all-time favorites. It truly looks like a magical place.