Friday, July 11, 2014

Shark Bites

Because our house in Rodanthe sat just a short walk from the pier, we would be negligent if we did not take a walk to explore it.
 I would be negligent if I didn't force my, slightly grouchy but willing to oblige five year old, to stop and take a picture on our walk in her trendy little beach hoody.
 "Just one more, hug your sister, and hug her and mean it."  I barely got this picture.  They weren't feeling in the sister mood at this point.  Especially the big one.
 "C'mon kids, please give me some picture worthy moments, just one."
 Here are our family obligatory shots...the Masons.  We're sad that they are Kentuckians now.  It's too far away, and I barely know where Kentucky is on a map. Just kidding, it is by Ohio and West Virginia.  Right?
 The Joneses.  Poor Coop, one day he will walk with rest of us and be in pictures properly instead of being a prop.  He was sleeping.  Praise the Lord he was sleeping, and Kevin was carrying him, and he was sleeping.  He is a fragile little guy when it comes to sleeping.
 Below is my favorite part of our evening on the pier.
The children realized that one of the fisherman caught a shark and they were desperate to see it.
Notice Beth's pregnant belly, this is how I looked last year at the beach
 They quickly ran over to get a better look at it, while he was pulling the hook out.
 That is when Libby looked down and realized that her little white dress had specks of fresh sharks blood all over the front.
 I wish you could have heard her high pitched "sharks blood, on my dress!"  Thankfully, it helped to change her grumpy mood into a silly one.
Following this incident everyone that came in contact with us learned of the sharks blood on her dress.
In other news, I am becoming a stain removing master.
Sharks blood be gone.


Sandra said...

I love this tale - so glad you got to blog about it at last.

Laura said...

I love this whole post- I love Maggie's face in the walk to the pier 1st pic. I love that Libs is doing her flamingo stance in your family pic (she get's it from her mama)

Gosh, I can't wait for time with you all in the fall. xoxoxoox