Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Sick Day

A mysterious illness struck the littlest last night.  Of course it did, b/c we are not at home and this is what happens when the Bennett/White/ Joneses get together.  Someone always gets sick. 
Doctor couldn't give it a name except that is wasn't the flu, streo throat, or an ear infection.
Tis the season to pass diseases.
Aside from this illness, my children are also suffering Christmasitis.  I don't think that we are going to make to Christmas day with exploding with exctiement.  It is requiring some extra creative parenting.  Anybody out there have tips they can share to rein in some of the excitment?
Grace and Peace and Tylenol


Art Teacher's Mom said...

Sweet pitiful Maggie! :(

Most holidays can be challenging for little ones. Press on!

Sandra said...

Poor Maggie - hope she is feeling better soon.

Andrea said...

Love your daily posts! Hope you all feel better soon! We've had a year of ugly bugs- of all kinds including in the hair. It's been interesting. This too shall pass- lol.