Sunday, December 23, 2012

Christmas Present

 During this month of December  2012, my husband has been away for a portion of every week, if not the whole thing.  Stopping in only on the weekends so that we are able to catch our breath and hunker down for another week of surviving with out each other.
 This morning, when he told me that work requires him to leave us again the day after Christmas (he only got home yesterday afternoon), the Christian woman that I am went on holiday and some other woman showed up.  My tiredness, frustration, my single mommy status, my heart that truly needs him had no where else to go, so it flew right at him, two days before Christmas.
 Ten minutes after ignoring him/ranting at him, I was starring at Stella (hoping she had some comfort for cookies perhaps) and the tears just started flowing.  I was so mad...wait sad, I just felt frustrated.  If ever there is a time to be home  together, it is at Christmas right?
photo credit to the Little
 I felt his hands gently touch my shoulders, and he hugged me, like all of me.  I knew exactly where my moment of Scrooge like behavior had come from.  We work better together.  This house is just a partial home when he is not here. Christmas isn't Christmas when he isn't with us (this includes but is not limited to drinking hot chocolate, looking at lights, visiting Santa, and all the rest of those magical moments I don't want him to miss.)
I wouldn't let go of that hug, just like the old days in airports.  I told him that I was sorry he had a crazy wife, it is just that I, we, love him so.  Then I hugged him every chance I got.
He is here now.
He stayed up with me wrapping presents (this is a very big deal).
I am thankful.
Christmas finally feels just right. :) if we could just get some snow!

Grace and Peace friends..We are almost there 1 more day!


Sandra said...

I am glad you are together again even if it is only for a few days. Perhas things will work out better for next Christmas and you will do all the fun things as a family.
Please congratulate your apprentice photographer on 2 great pictures. She definitely needs that Princess camera I saw recently.

Art Teacher's Mom said...

Focus on the positive!
Good job Libby!