Saturday, April 14, 2012


There are some things that I need to say.
#1 Kevin was trying to paint the deck and Libby asked if she could help.  He told her that she could talk to him while he painted. She sat down on his legs because "it looked like a good seat" she said.  Then she picked a flower and told him that he needed to paint it for her.  He obliged her request for a painted flower.  I love that she picked a flower bc it needed to be painted and I love that he painted it for her.

#2. When I was a little I always wanted to climb up a ladder with my Dad.  He always said no, and I always wondered what was up there that he didn't want me to see.  Today when Libby asked Kev if she could go up his ladder he said  no and I asked him why.  He said it was bc when he was little his Dad always told him off for going up the ladder, so he thought it was good family tradition to carry on.

I suggested that he let her climb it so the mystery behind the latter would be gone and perhaps she would stop asking us.  He said she could as long as she wore a helmet.  He is the more responsible parent.

#3.  The girls made rainbows the other morning and took them outside in there pajamas and no shoes.  I think that this summer it will be a constant battle to get them to wear shoes or clothes for that matter.  What will the neighbors say?

 #4.  Speaking of the neighbors, Maggie loves ours.  Their names are Robin and Ernie and she would choose them over us on any given day of the week.  Robin is similar in stature to Babs and has the same hair color, it is the only thing that I can think of that would make her brave enough to go to people we are just getting to know.

#5.  Speaking of Maggie, she loves Libby.  This is a demonstration of the morning hug she gives to her should Libby sleep later than us.  I wish this was a better picture.  I wish that someone didn't steal my camera.  I wish that you could hear them laugh from where you are.

#6.  A while ago I realized that Maggie wasn't talking nearly as much as Libby was when she was one.  I wasn't worried or anything, I added it to the list of their differences.  These past couple of weeks she has really been trying though.  Sometimes she just whispers.  I can see her thinking about words then quietly she tries to say "please," or "puppy," or "be-be"(baby).  She also helps me call her big sister by saying "bibby," or "sissy", which really just sounds more like a hiss :).  She tries to stay shoes, duck, and nose.  She can shake her head yes and no and she signs for many things.  Clever girl.

#7.  If I was writer I would write a children's book about Libby.  She looks like she is dancing when she walks.  Sometimes her hair is so wild that I wonder where she's been, but I think that it is just part of who she is.  She talks to her "friends" all day long and I find it to be simply enchanting.  It just confuses Kev.  For the record, lately she has been talking to and about Buzz, Jesse, Belle, and just this week Diego, which is funny b/c she I don't recall her ever watching Diego.  She tells me all the stuff that they do together and then just laughs about it, like it is the best thing she has ever heard.  

 #8.  Between you and me, I don't want her to grow up.  She is so good at being little.  Similarly, I don't want Maggie to stop being a baby, she still curls up so perfectly in my arms at night.
They are foolish statements to make, but I think them just the same, probably about once a day.

That is all I have to say, but please oh please, remind me to write about the day I left The Learning Channel on in the background while a Baby Story was on.  I'm still dealing with the repercussions of that day.
Grace and Peace


Sandra said...

I think the reason Kevin was told off for climbing ladders was because he climbed up behind his Dad - not under the watchful eye of a responsible adult and certainly not wearing a cycle helmet!
It seems as if Libby is going to take after her Dad and not have a fear of anything.

Art Teacher's Mom said...

Libby on the ladder - it fits her personality somehow. I'm glad she was wearing the helmet. I especially love the picture of Libby and Kevin "bonding" while he is painting...or trying to paint. Basically I love all of the pictures and it brightens my day when new photos are posted.