Wednesday, April 13, 2011

British People Enjoy Walking...At Least My British Person

I've always like this about my husband.  He always wants to take a walk.  Several Saturdays ago, he said "hey, let's take a walk..." like he does every Saturday.  So, I threw a blanket over Maggie and stuck a sweater on Libs and off we went.
Maggie thought.."hmmmm a walk would be nice, but I think we should stay home, it looks like rain"

"Why am I still in this stroller? I said it looks like rain!  Doesn't anybody listen to me?

I don't care if it rains just PLEASE take me with you. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE don't leave me in the back yard!!!!!

30 minutes later, when we were as far as we could be from our house in this neighborhood, it did start to rain,  and then the temperature dropped, and then it started to hail, and then I realized that after all this time, I am still in the running for mother of the year.  Kids inappropriately dressed, outside for a walk, in a hail storm.

When we got home, Maggie said I told you so and Gus licked our faces b/c even in the hail, he's happiest when he is with us.

Libs would be pictured in this post to if Blogger didn't hate me and make it extremely difficult to add pictures to my blog.  She did not care about the rain.  She would play all day in the rain, hail, snow.  She laughed and asked why the ice was bouncing off of Daddy's shoulders.

Grace and Peace

1 comment:

Jill said...

I think that second picture of MaggieBell isn't saying "Watch out for the rain", it's more so saying "Cousin Jill needs me, let's walk to Baltimore to see her so she can nibble on my cheekies". Yup. That's the truth.