Wednesday, December 1, 2010

December 1

I may have over committed myself this year in claiming that I would do another Christmas countdown.  When I decided that I would bring the countdown back I think that I forgot that I might be having a baby this month.
Anyhow...happy December 1st!
I have been avoiding real life by hiding out at my parents for the last couple days while my other half is out of town again. 
I have contractions everyday, I waddle like an over-weight Mallard duck, and I sound like I'm about to have heart attack after walking up three steps. These things, plus my very busy Little,made me decide to extend my Thanksgiving holiday.  Not to worry though, I have been taking pictures of lots of red and green things so that I have plenty of eye candy for my Christmas blogs!
Here's to countdowns, may there plenty of comments to keep me going...I need the motivation this year, just look at the bags under my eyes.  That's b/c I wake up about every 30 mins. at night when I try to roll over.  I start out a little like a beetle stuck on their back with my arms and legs flailing about in every direction.  Eventually, I build up enough momentum to swing myself to the other side and by the time I get the 20 pillows that surround me into the right position, I'm pretty much numb again, and the whole process starts over.
Now there's a Merry thought for you.  Happy Christmas.
Grace and Peace


Jill said...

Waddle, waddle. Love you guys.

Sandra said...

I think you will be forgiven if you miss a few days if Maggie arrives a bit early!
Libby looks mesmerised by the Christmas tree - is she going to help you put all your Christmas decorations up as well?