Thursday, December 2, 2010

December 2

I think that every December I must post about ginger bread houses.  One year, not too long ago, Mom and I were walking around a craft store, we saw the ginger bread house kits on sale, and just like that we were hooked.  It's not a tradition that we started when I was little, but now it it's like something we have to do the weekend after Thanksgiving.
Between you and me I know my Mom is not going to like this picture of herself.  I think she looks cute though, with her little house that she didn't like!
I don't know how long we can keep it up, b/c there was a certain small person, who thought that we got all the candy out for her.  Keep in mind that some of the candy that we use is as old as our 5o% off houses from, I don't know, 5 years ago...Yuck.  After eating about 27 decorative baubles she started working on a gummy raspberry.  Ten minutes later of intense chewing, she opened her mouth and let it fall to the ground and told me it was icky...One sugar induced temper tantrum later and I sent her upstairs for her afternoon nap and carried on replacing the parts of my house that she ate.
Anyway, back to the houses.  It's not a competition, but every year Mom says something like "mine looks terrible" and at some point I get this one to sit down and help me. 
He made me a Gus for my front yard..I'm impressed by his talent and skill, and willingness to participate in a slightly girl activity.  It's a pretty good likeness of our shaggy companion, don't you think?

We drank coffee,  chuckled under our breath at Chevy Chase hanging his Christmas lights up and watch the entire city of New York confess that they believed in Kris Kringle.
Starbucks at Christmas makes me feel like the girl on my peppermint mocha cup

Here's our finished products...

I can't tell you how long we worked, but I can tell you that the sun was up when we began and set when we ended.  Next year we're buying new candy. I'm starting my plan of attack now and am open to suggestions.  I'm also going to trick both my babies into thinking that carrots are much better tasting then gummy raspberries, so that maybe just maybe the Little can make her own gingerbread house, while the Littlest watches.
Here's to tradtions that go way back, like at least five years, may we pass them on to our children's, children, children.

Grace and Peace


Laura said...

Kev's dog is amazing!!!

TeamWhitehead06 said...

I am so amazed by your house! I totally thought the first photo was a stock image! After I started reading and had to go back up and check that Gussy Boy was in the yard!

Your house is soo cool! And Kevin did a great job on Gus! I don't know that Tone Tone would ever actually help me with a gingerbread house!

Sandra said...

This brings back memories of when Trevor and I joined in the activity. I think your ginger bread houses improve every year but I'm sure next year Libby's will be my favourite.

Would it work as well if you used dried fruit and raw veg instead of candy?

Tell Kevin his Gus also improves each year.

Jan said...

Aw... I want to make a gingerbread house....Great job guys and I absolutely love Kev's marshmallow Gus. It really looks like him.

Jill said...

I LOVe the marshmellow Gussell. Great job Kev! I also love that Lib's just let the candy fall out of her mouth. I'm pretty sure she was certain that Gussy would come and eat it.