Tuesday, June 8, 2010

A Full Range Of Happy Emotions

I have a confession...please don't judge me.
I mean, you can if you want to, but I'm just trying to be honest.
Here goes, with out being too explicit... my body has always been on it's own very random schedule, so depending on 28 days to tell me if I should expect anything exciting in the coming months has never really worked for me...Therefore, in the 5 years that I have been married, I have probably spent a good portion of Libby's college fund on pregnacy tests.  When we were wanting to be pregnant with Libby, months went by that I hovered of a plastic stick in hopes that  the lines would cross, or that there would be two lines instead of one, or digitally I would read the words "pregnant" instead of "not pregnant."  ("Not pregnant" always felt like such a slap in the face,  like when I was single and I would check my messages and the voice mail would say "no messages," so harsh, a bitter sting that what I wanted did not happen)  I digress...
Fast forward to some weeks ago...
Picture it, a sunny April morning,  Libby and I wake up to the cat stuck out on the roof, meowing loudly.  We rescue the cat and I say to myself, "self, I will not waste time on the internet today, but I think I will take a pregnancy test."  So there we waited, me and the Little hovered over a plastic stick, waiting for those magic words to appear...pregnant!

I can't really describe the feelings I had at this moment (I know I felt the same way with Libby though..tears, fears, convulsions, nausea, etc.).   I'm pretty sure it felt like flying, like an out of body experience, like it wasn't happening to me...surreal.  I throw on a layer of lip gloss and a pony tail, grabbed the Little, still in her pj's, whistle for the dog, and drive like a crazy woman over to Kev's office.  When I showed him what had unfolded in our morning activities, he stood in disbelief, certain that there was no way a test would register positive in such a short amount of time.  We basically found out when  I was about a minute pregnant... the cells were still dividing, I had no signs of pregnancy, I was about 4 days away from actually needing to even take a test...I just thought it would be a good way to start the day.  Turns out, it really is the best way to begin your morning, even better than a good cup of coffee...which  indecently I can't even stand the thought of now.

And so it is, that God is blessing our little corner of this world again...a tiny hearts beats even now as I type, their little body is hard at work growing, and I have the sickness,  the exhaustion, and the I'm on my second pregnancy bump,  to show for it.
We are happy..and while two babies is something that I really can't wrap my head around, I know that God will give me the grace to love the Little and the Littlest just the same.

Here's hoping that this post made you grin from ear to ear, as promised...it did for me.
The secret's out...my maternity jeans won't let me hide it any longer!

Grace and Peace


Beth K said...

Congrats again, my lovely friend! I love that you didn't waste even a minute getting Libby in to a Big Sister shirt! Adorable!

Ane Oti said...

Congratulations Carly!!! I'm very happy for you!! Libby will be a wonderful big sister!! Love!

Erin said...

LOVE IT! SO glad you finally posted it. Now I can stop saying, "is it public knowledge yet?" Libby Lou and Baby too! :) So glad to web this AM. LOOOOOVE the shirt and skirt - it's as adorable as you described. Love you guys and that little heart beating in your tummy. So glad I got to see your bump via web today!!!

Lisa A said...

I am so excited for you all! Libby's outfit is the cutest! Congratulations!

Jennifer said...

Awww so happy for you!

Jan said...

I am so happy for the three of you!

Teri said...


Got a midwife yet??

Sandra said...

I like this post - it brings tears of joy and not tears of saddness like the last one.
I love the picture of Libby reading her book - actually I love all pictures of Libby as you know.

Jennifer said...

CONGRATULATIONS! We are so excited for you! And yes, I agree, way better way to start the day than a cup of coffee! :) Can't wait to 'follow' your journey through your blog!

Jen Gonzalez

Jill said...

I cried. Again.

Laura said...


Andrea said...

Oh my goodness! Congrats!! What a happy surprise for my day of random blog reading. :) BTW I totally agree with you about the digital test when it reads NOT PREGNANT- I felt like it was screaming at me and from then on out it only the pink line kind for me.

Amy White said...

Love the baby bump! :) Love Libby in her Big Sister outfit. Love the Little and the Littlest...made me laugh. Agree with Sandra, love Libby holding the book. Love the fact that it looks like the pregnancy test is in front of a Play-Dough container! :) Most of all, love you!!!

Melanie said...

yay for you

Jessica said...

Yay!! Congratulations!!

Griffen said...

Grinning from ear to ear, yep!! Hoorah and hooray and here here to another wee one.

Amanda said...

Congratulations blog friend!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you'll stay in touch through blogs and you can have all my mother of a two year old and a newborn advice and complaining you can handle.

Kate said...

Ohmygoodnessgracious! Lots of congratulations, celebrations, and love to you!

Erika said...

CONGRATS to u guys!!!