Monday, February 8, 2010

Reason #8...I'm Falling Off The "Love Reason Train," But...

I do have some great pictures!
Thanks to Punxsutawney Phil I feel there is a good chance we are not out of the woods when it comes to snow. However, our good friends came to see us in the winter b/c they wanted their kids to see what snow was like. I think they got a pretty good understanding of it!

I think that it is safe to say that when my husband and his childhood "best mate" get together it is very much like having two teenage boys around. The 10 or so inches of snow that fell on top of our already nice base of snow, sent them into "we must go sledding" panic. When the snow finally stopped they set out in our little town to find a sled.
No sleds were to be found, but they did come across a $9 air mattress at Walmart. People were staring as we toted three toddlers and air mattress to the most popular hills in town.I have to give them credit though, I was certain it would not work. However, not only was it the biggest sled on the mountain, it worked really well.
We all gave it a good try. Chiali and I went the wrong direction and went straight off a steep drop that ended in a pretty spectacular crash. We decided that Mommies were better left off to the sides with the babies.
Kev and Chris took each of the kids for a ride which they all hated!
Toddlers + Sledding= not that good of an idea
The camera battery died after this shot but at least we have proof that we did try it.

Everything is back to normal around here as we sent our dear friends home about an hour ago. The Little is napping, and I am avoiding housework by typing this blog. I may even try to get back on the "V-day Love Train," but I may have lost my motivation. Do not be disgruntled, I will keep up with my count down until Sunday!

Here's hoping you are more productive then I am!
Grace and


Melanie said...

you look adorable and very chic in your winter jacket.

Sandra said...

Looks like you all had a lot of fun in the snow - I think you and Chiali were very brave, or should that be foolhardy, to give the mattress sledging a go!