Tuesday, February 9, 2010

#9 It's Never To Early To start Eating Cookie Dough



Erin said...

I def agree! I mean, WHO doesn't love cookie dough. lib looks so stinkin cute! love her little top. makes me sad that hopie can't lick the cookie dough spoon- darn egg allergy!

Sandra said...

Libby isn't going to waste one little bit of the cake mix and I don't blame her. I can remember doing exactly the same thing when my Mum made cakes - and I still do it on the rare occaisions that I make a cake now!

Jennifer said...

Lovve these pictures!

Amanda said...

Soooo adorable! I'm glad to see you guys liked making cookies together as much as we did!

Laura said...

I love her crazy prints... fruit, stripes, hearts, you name it she's got it!

Jill said...

Cookie dough... yum.

Jessica said...

1. your little babe is just scrumptious
2. Maddie and I made cookies yesterday and she still sits on the counter and eats cookie dough with me
3. You are an amazing mom for teaching her about cookie dough early on in her life!