Thursday, February 25, 2010

Perfect 10

If your scroll back through my posts I am sure you will find a reference to my favorite quote, it goes something like, "blessed are the cracks for they let the light in."

These days I find myself in this idealistic "keeper of the home and family" roll and the expectations that sometimes plagues me in the middle of night are daunting. I am severely cracked, however I don't know how much light I let in. I often find that I am comparing myself to other ladies that are too at this stage of life. Honestly, I think things like, "well at least my hair is fixed and my socks match," or "she might have a clean house, perfect figure, always say the right thing, and seems to be almost angelic in her behavior, but surely there must be something wrong with her." In those late hours when I am ignoring my flaws and hoping that every other woman I know has at least one flaw comparable with my own, I am reminded of that passage of scripture that haunts me....I said it, it HAUNTS, all caps locked.
Mainly because, I am never going to be a perfect 10, or rather a perfect Proverbs 31 woman. It seems insurmountable to me.
I'm not looking for patronage here, I've had it broken down for me before, I know I don't have to be a perfect 10 or meet all of those character traits at once. However, I would be remiss if I denied it's truth. Proverbs 31 is a reference point in being a good God fearing mother and wife.
Here's the thing though, if I was there already, if I had all these things down pat, I would miss out on these opportunities that God has been teaching me.
He is teaching me that this my goal, this is what I strive for. Will I? do I? fail miserably daily? Yes, but each morning He gives me, I can re-center, become focused and work at being more like His design.

Cracked, flawed? Yes, but if light ever comes through those cracks it is NOT me it is the work that He is doing in me.
Here's hoping you can embrace your cracks, in them the Light will shine through.
Grace and Peace friends.


Erin said...

i love what you wrote here... sweet friend. definitely an encouragement to me. thank you.

(Oh, and book your right now.)

Jill said...

You're such a good writer.

Love the matching shirts.

Melanie said...

i need to see the goodness in the cracks and not dismiss them as failure only

Jessica said...

I love everything about this post. Thanks for the wonderful reminders!

Lisa A said...

Thank you Carly, I needed this.

Amanda said...

Very nice. You're definitely not alone! Thank you.

Jessi said...

I love your bangs.
I love your master photography.
I love that Libs is rockin' her red polka dot beret....
See all that light shining through?