There is a good chance that I taught Libby that screaming is okay. Have you ever had that moment with your best girlfriend or your sister that was so exciting that all you could was scream, like when you found out that he finally called, or that you got engaged, or found out that you were pregnant, or had the feeling that a mouse just ran across your foot? Well, that is the scream that I taught Libby and now she does it all the time.
Her Dad loves it...really! Especially when she looks at me out in public, slyly smiles, and then shrills with delight and expects me to do it back. Then he looks at me and says "is this really something you should be encouraging?"
Grace and Peace
I could look at pictures of her all day, everyday.
Libby is growing up so fast. I love the picture of her "screaming" but the last one is the one that made me laugh.
Ha ha I was looking at the pic of her with the sippy walking and thought wow she's grown up so fast too *LOL* glad I wasn't the only one thinking it! She's gorgeous!
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