Tuesday, December 8, 2009

December 8: Supercalafragilisticexpealidocious

It's what you say, when you don't know what to say.
Why on earth did I say I would post everyday in December?
I have 17 more days to go and I'm already out of things to say. How can that be possible? Have you ever met me in person, I never shut up.

So, yes little girl, there are 17 more days left until Christmas. That means 17 more days of you entertaining yourself while Mommy tries to be clever and creative on this blog.
Thank you sweets for being so patient with me.
Ohhhh...I love this girl, if she were a sugar plum visions of her would dance in my head!


Erin said...

She is adorable - and I, for one, love that you are posting every day. You could post about the amazing chair you sent me!!! Oh wait, I'll do that!

Melanie said...

yes it is by Seinfeld wife
haven't made anything out of it yet
i used IKEA fabric for my tree skirt this year
not very Christmasy but i like it anyway

Lisa A said...

I also love that you are posting everyday, and it is making think about maybe doing it in January! Are you up for it Erin? :) That last picture is too cute for words.

Sandra said...

As far as I am concerned you don't need to worry about being creative - just post lots of adorable pictures of Libby.

Jill said...

You don't need to have words Car, just tons and tons of pictures.

Amy White said...

What is she reading beside her on the table? Looks like she's taking in the sale's flier.