Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Spit Fire

My friend referred to my Little as a spit fire this weekend. I fully agree, but here is a video of her practicing sweetness for all those who may have been worried that we were all prickles and stings.
Also, we bought her first set of wheels so she didn't have to push things without wheels around. She's a bit wobbly in the video, but that was Sunday, now she is basically running around the room with it! HA

*Edit, there was more to that second video, it did actually show her walking a bit more than that...not sure where the rest of it went! Enjoy me pushing her along though. You'll have to take my word that she can do it herself, b/c it basically takes all day to upload the video.


Erin said...

love her loving the lion! :) precious. also so fun to see her walking with the walker - hope looks the same wasy - she gets going to fast and then it's all over - ha ha - it goes out from under her!

Jill said...

I almost died when Libs rests her little head on her shoulder while snuggling the lion. I know that you're doing that in the background and she's just mocking you. It's a real Dar move.

Lisa A said...

Why would she want to push that toy away when there is that cool spinning thing on the front!? haha. So cute. I love how Gus is in both videos, you can tell he totally loves her. I truly cannot believe she is almost walking already since the last time I saw her she was so new! P.S. Are you sure you put clothes on her?

Mama Burd said...

did you forget to call me or was I supposed to call u? I narrowed the fabric choices down... but need a little artistic advice. :)