I've been doing some thinking,
soul seeking,
then thinking some more.
Let's see, how do I start this?
I was driving to Maryland a few months ago, and this song on the radio said, "Give me your eyes for just one second"
Okay, so I prayed for that.
I am insanely happy, have been for the last 4 years and even more so since Sweet September, but what I've been thinking is that's not enough.
You see, I feel like God has been speaking directly to my heart lately, and what He's telling me is that it's not enough for me to live here comfortable in Happily Ever After and just be here and do nothing else.
It's not enough for me to be just be HAPPY and CONTENT being Libby's mom, I have to be more, so that one day she is more.
So I have been asking God everyday show me what you see, show me your people, and here is what I have learned,
He loves us all.
I love the repeated line in the book "The Shack" whenever God talks about any of his children He says "I'm particularly fond of them." Whatever your feelings are on this highly controversial book, you can't deny that He is fond of us all, me, Kev, Libby, you, orphans, homeless, heartbroken, criminals...all of us.
So what's been happening?
I've been crying a lot (HA)
When I read, hear, learn about his children who are hurting, or lost I cry and my heart longs for them to know that their Father loves them so.
What am I doing about it...hopefully more than I have ever done before, because it's not enough for me to just sick back, when there are so many who don't know how much He loves them.
This I'm sure of.
1 comment:
abby, laura, and I were just talking last night about how much we missed you too!!
still working on trying to come up there in June.
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