Thursday, March 5, 2009


My husband checked my blog today and commented on the lack of here you go! I actually have been taking photos sparingly b/c silly me forgot the battery charger and it is in the red. Here are a few that are making me smile right now.

This girl is positively the funniest little thing ever.
Example "Babette, my stickers lost their stick."
I love that her cheeks match her coat...the air was chilly and she was rosy.
I bought blocks specifically to play with them in photos with this little
Don't think that I have stopped taking pictures of this little piece of bubble gum pink, she is still my favorite subject, but since the batteries are on the way out, and I have at least a thousand of her I have slacked off a little.
Look at this girl...she goes to wonderful places everyday. I don't know where they are, or who is there for that matter, but I love listening to her play.
If there wasn't a song that spelled out his name, I would feel really sorry for this little guy when he has learn to how to spell his. (I am a C, I am a C-H, I am a C-H-R-I-S-T-I-A-N)
Probably my favorite picture of this little so far. We are all so excited about all the boy things, so I spelled it out on his hiny.


Laura said...

I love the boy butt!

His face is so sweet... I am sure that the little girls love him!

Jill said...

Great pictures Car. I love them all.

Erin said...

that one of his little butt is way too cute - in fact, all of your pics are preshy! :) love you, friend. off to "camp it up."

Lisa A said...

I LOVE the block idea...mind if I borrow it? It makes for adorable pictures! I love them! I also love the tire swing one...priceless.