Friday, February 6, 2009

Glad Tiddings

"I'm offering up all my baskets of laundry, midnight nursings and sniffs of baby neck as worship to my King."
~Quote from a blog I stalk

I wish these words were my own, but since they are not I will say thank you to the mom who wrote them and reminded me that my life, no matter how much stinky stuff I have to clean up, has purpose!
Hard nights make my back hurt, head hurt, heart hurt. So in a moment of frustration I sat down with Libby and was led to some worship music on You Tube. Amazing Love began ringing in my ears ..."and it's my JOY to honor you, in ALL I do..." and one by one tears started to fall from my own eyes and stopped flowing from her's, Gus stopped running around in circles, and peace settled on my household..
True, Amazing love!

The Court Jester napping earlier. Her throw back to Medieval times forced me to take her picture and risk waking her up


Laura said...

I am proud of you. I know that things can get tough and discouraging at times, but know that this season in your life is a blessing, and before you know it, you will longing for days of holding Libby close and Gus running in circles... ok maybe not the running in circles part, but you know what I mean!

Sarah said...

Oh, my goodness! "A blog you stalk" -- what a compliment!

Ever since I fell upon your blog a while back, I've "stalked" you as well but have never left a comment as I just don't have the knack.

But if I had commented, here's what I'd have said:

It is such a pleasure to stroll through your experiences online; I can tell you're truly smitten with your babe and that's a blessing to me; I can tell you're just reveling in this beautiful thing called motherhood; I would have also said that Liberty is about as plump and precious as they come -- congratulations.

Be well, Sarah

Erin said...

ADORABLE little Libby legs!!! I totally understand and yes, what a great quote from Sarah. It's hard sometimes when we get "down in the trenches," but what an amazing journey and joy. No matter how many spit ups we clean - right? Love ya :)

Abigail said...

I grinned when I read your opening quote, and when I came to comment and saw Sarah's response, I grinned wider! The internet is so odd, and I have a love/hate relationship with blogs, but it's moments like this, when tangible encouragement reaches through the screen, that I think perhaps they're worth their weight.

And Sarah's right; Libby is as plump and precious as they come.