Monday, December 3, 2012

New Years Resolution #???? I Really Can't Remember

Last year, one of my New Year's resolution was to make all of our gifts this year.  Year after year, I find myself walking through the mall on December 23 blankly staring at the disheveled shelves of Christmas displays  looking for one more gift for someone so that I don't feel inadequate.  That is probably not the right reason to give presents right????  I don't want to loose my focus this year.  I don't want the girls to miss the beauty that is Christmas.  Today Libby and I had this conversation in the car:
Mommy:  Libby, what was your job from our Advent calendar today?
Libby:  To draw pictures of the Nativity for Grandma to take home with her to England
Mommy:  That is right Libby.  We give to others at Christmas, that is why Mommy made our calendar to help us remember that.  Who gave to us all at Christmas time?
Libby:  Go-o-o-o-d ("God" drawn out in a precious 4 year old voice)
Mommy:  Yes Libby, who did he give us at Christmas?
Libby:  Baby Jesus
Mommy:  What did baby Jesus grow up and do for us?
Libby:  He died on the cross for our sins
Moment of silence while I think to myself, "score Mommy! You have a taught you child the miracle of Christmas.
I continue...
Mommy:  Yes Libby, that is why we give to others, so that they can see Christ in us
  (to myself "what else can I say that will sound completely brilliant!  She is really getting this, self you are a parenting allst....")
Libby:  Mommy, can I please watch Jake and the Neverland Pirates when we get home?
End Scene

Then I heard this voice in my head saying " For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—  not by works, so that no one can boast."
So I told myself to stop being prideful and told Libby that we would watch Jake later....
haven't made all of our gifts, but I have put a lot of thought into them and I promised myself that I would not stand at the mall in bewilderment on December 23rd buying gifts for the sake of buying them.

Happy 22 days left
Grace and Peace

1 comment:

Art Teacher's Mom said...

Ditto for going to the mall on Dec. 23rd! Beautiful photos of Libby!