Those days are long gone.
Our friends were going down to VA Beach for a couple of days this weekend, so Kev took off work on Friday so that we could join them. He had some saved up points at one of his work hotels so he booked us a room right in the heart of VA Beach.
Have you ever been to VA Beach? I actually don't recommend it. It takes beach tackiness to a really special level. Complete with a tourist shops on every corner that sell everything from hermit crabs to crude t- shirts. When you sit on the beach to your left and right is a sea of striped umbrellas for as far as the eye can see. When you look out to the actual sea your view is obstructed by the number of bodies that are out enjoying the water. Not really the place that I want to swim.
We did have a nice time. We played on the beach until an impending storm drove us up to our hotel room. When we left the beach, there were still a fair number of beach goers left, but by the time we hit the ninth floor the beach had completely cleared. The girls loved staying in the hotel. We had a great view of the boardwalk and ocean front. Maggie particularly liked people watching from our balcony. Libby liked the free toiletries. But who doesn't love a free set of lime verbena shampoo, conditioner, and lotion?
Since one day going to the sea front of VA Beach was a enough for me, the following day we drove the extra 30 minutes to Sandbridge which is my kind of beach. It is quiet, it is pretty, and there is no fear of touching someone else should you choose to go swimming. The only problem was, that after we toted everything we might need "just in case" the swirling grey clouds over head and claps of thunder drove us back to our van to take cover...We never made it back to the beach after that. We drove home in a monsoon, stopping only briefly to eat dinner while our kids were coming unglued from being desperately ready to be back at home.
We have had better trips.
At least we were together.
At least we took enough pictures for me to make a lengthy video montage.
Happy beach tripping. May you always have enough hands to carry your children and your chairs.
Grace and Peace