Sunday, December 11, 2011



We kept Maggie Bell with us during church today.  I wasn't sure that the nursery would take her with the runny nose that she had.  When the music started she smiled and made noises like she was trying to sing with us.  With out any prompting from me her little hands reach right for the sky like she knew that we were praising the King.  It made me think that maybe she knows something about worship that the rest are too conformed to know. It seemed pretty natural for her.
Eleven months could not have been sweeter than they have been with Maggie.  I don't remember life before she was here.  I don't actually remember her as a tiny baby.  I just know the toddling little thing I see wandering after her sister from room to room.  
One more month till we have a one year old....which means one more month until I am a blubbering mess because my baby is all grown up.  Would it be weird if I started swaddling her again in hopes that it would make her stay my baby longer?  Just a thought.
3 days late...but there you go, Maggie is 11 months old.
She walks every where now. She likes to sit with Gus and makes the same ro-ro noise that Libby did when she was Maggie's age.  She says hi, bye, all gone, Dada and Mama (at I think does).  When she says hi or hello, she puts her hand up to her ear like a phone.  She signs so big, where, all done, more, bye, hat and I think that she might have been signing thank you today.  She gives kisses and hugs like nobodies business.
She is a sweet, sweet girl.  She is ours.
With out further adieu, here is the warning I mentioned in my title.  Picture, after picture, after picture of Maggie being cute.  You don't have to look at them if you don't want to, but I really think that you will regret that decision.






Grace and Peace


Sandra said...

Who could fail to find that little girl adorable!

Can't wait to get a share of those hugs and kisses from her - and Libby if she will let me!

Laura said...

I adore this child.

Amy White said...

She is PRECIOUS!!! Love her sweet little face and smile. The dimples are a bonus along with her blue eyes. Give her hugs and kisses from Mimi. Love you.