Monday, December 19, 2011

Calling All Little Girls Ages 2-4

Since we have lived in VA Libs has literally only had one little girl friend, the rest have always been boys. That means only one friend who really knows how to play baby dolls, one friend who "gets" tea parties, one friend that wears pink. I am sad to say that her one and only little girl friend is moving to CA. They had their last play date today. After we dropped her back off at her house, Libby said in an extremely pouty voice "I don't want them to take Katie away, she's my favorite." My heart kind of hurt for her b/c I know first hand how hard it is to say goodbye to friends. So for Christmas this year, on the top of Libby's list is a BFF, a kindred spirit, a favorite.
Here's to all my favorites who are far away from me...if I could, I would hug your neck and take you out for coffee.
Grace and Peace


Laura said...


Erin said...

Miss you, friend.

Erin said...

Ps - pretty sure I have tears in my eyes too.

Amanda said...

So sad. I wish our girls knew each other (and that I really knew you too, lol). I'm afraid our girls would fight terribly but who knows!? I bet if we did have sweet Liberty, Hope H., and Maryn in one room for an hour, they might not have the best time. But I think of that sometimes. Because they do seem so alike in many ways.

Melanie said...

looks like California is calling your name! all your favorite people are out here :)

Jill said...

"Hey Katie, Cute dress!"