Thursday, April 1, 2010

Another Girl At Play Part I

I don't have anything useful to say, but I do have pictures of this girl doing what she does best!

My goodness she looks grownup...
Do you ever wish that it was okay for you to wear hot pink shoes while carrying a blue furry purse?  I do!  It might be inappropriate for a mother of a mere, ahem, 24 years to look so ridiculous though!

She is clearly okay with it, not a care in the world.

See that little red and blue horse?  It is vintage, circa 1979, and still going strong!

I think I remember another little girl who used to play with it! :)

Grace and Peace


Jill said...

I remember quite a few little girls that used to play with that horse. I love these pictures.

Erin said...

Looks like she is having a blast! can't wait to come play!

Trevor said...

I too, like the horse are circa 1979 and still going strong!

Sandra said...

I'm just wondering - who is in better condition - the vintage horse or Trevor!
I also can't see any reason why you shouldn't wear pink shoes with a fluffy blue handbag if you so wished - Libby can get away with it so why not you!

Art Teacher said...

Ha! How do feel, Trev, knowing that I referred to 1979 as vintage?

Grandma, sad news, grouchy grandaughter chucked one of her BRAND NEW hot pink shoes out of the stroller when I was wasn't looking! I retraced all of our steps 3x's and still no pink shoe. I'm sick over it!