Monday, March 1, 2010

Within Our Reach

Today we went in search of spring, or at least the hope that winter is on it's way out the back door.We meandered through Colonial streets, ate a leisurely lunch with Grandma, and I treated everyone to a well deserved chocolate from my favorite stop in Williamsburg.
I think that the bright blue sky was a sign of things to come.
I know that maybe even tomorrow I'll have to put my coat back on,

But for today, sitting in the sun, with my lovelies, it was off.
It was good. It made me eager for the remaining snow to melt off my porch and eager to open my kitchen door and feel a spring breeze instead of winter's chill.

Here's hoping it doesn't snow tonight!
Don't waste pretty days friends, go outside and breathe.
It's good for you!

1 comment:

Jill said...

I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE LIBS THIS WEEKEND! Prepare her for Cousin Jill.