Thursday, February 18, 2010

Point And Shoot

I have to have a creative calms me, it helps me regain focus, it reminds me that I was created with purpose, it reminds me of worship.
I used to paint more, I used to draw, I used to teach others how to do those things.
Now, days slip by when I have done nothing that resembles art. For example, a couple weeks ago, after days of being trapped inside due to cold winds and piling snow, I was sure that me and the mister needed to sign up for marriage counseling. Then I realized that I had not picked up my sketch book, a brush, a needle, I hadn't really even taken any Libby pictures...
My counsel? I painted, I took pictures, I stitched.
I talked it out with the mister, and I realized that we were not beyond repair. I learned that days that are filled with gray skies and idle hands just lead to grouchy, unreasonable behavior.
In the weeks that followed, I have found myself making time each day to do something artsy.
Today I had a strong desire to photograph Libby in the frilly, little frock I made her the other day, only to find out that the very mister I just spoke of, ran off with our big, fancy camera to take pictures of robots!
The Little and I were left with the point and shoot, pocket- size, camera today. So instead of setting up a girly photo shoot inside, we went outside in the sun.
We found patches of squishy grass creeping out from it's winter cover.We splashed in puddles of melted snow.
We walked our smelly dog together.
If the sun is out where you are, you should be too. Soak it up, like it soaks up our snow. If the sun is not out where you are, draw a picture. Both activities do well for the soul.
Grace and Peace
Psalms 90:17"And let the beauty of the LORD our God be upon us: and establish thou the work of our hands upon us; yea, the work of our hands establish thou it."


Amanda said...

Thank you, Carly.

MommyB said...

Fun fun fun and I'm totally okay with the point and shoot, it's the subject that makes the pic :)

Erin said...

Yes - these pics are wonderful!!!!!!! Um - the family rules -- I WANT ONE! If I give you our family rules will you paint them and I'll pay you. It's the most adorable thing I've ever seen. I mean it. You are SOOOO stinkin' creative it's unreal. I love it. You're amazing. Lov eyou.

Lisa A said...

Wow. And ditto to Erin is all I can say!

Lisa A said...

P.S. I forgot to say, in my awe of your creativity, that I love the new layout!

Anonymous said...

I love your thoughts. Thank you for sharing!
Your friend, Jan Mc

Jill said...


Sarah said...

That's one of my favorite verses there.

You truly are one of my favorite online friends.

Thanks for the kind words about my blog a while ago. I started updating recently and thought I should let you know.

I totally hear you about a creative person needing to be in the work of creating. Especially in the last stretch of winter -- it is crucial.

Jessica said...

um...I want one of those pillows!! Love them!!