Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Uncles, and Aunts, and Cousins, Oh My

Libby went to Babette and Grandad's for the first time this past weekend so that Kev and I could go to my cousin's wedding. Because we saw so many family members at the wedding Friday night, lots of them stopped by my mom's house on Saturday and Sunday to meet little Libby. Since I have learned that many of them "stalk" my blog, here our some pics to document Libby meeting her family.
Aunt Di looking lovely and Libs looking 3 sheets to the wind...maybe she just has a bit of wind in her belly!

Cousin Lacy...new member of the family, married Cousin Josh. We love her!
Look at all the people. Mom and Aunt Vickie are forming a line to have a turn holding Libby. I think that my Mom looks annoyed, maybe Aunt Vickie cut in front of her! JK :)

Cousin Jan, Cousin Jarred, and Cousin Lori

Aunt JuJu. At the wedding on Friday night, Aunt Judy went around to every table, even the ones with out relatives who knew Kevin and I to show them a picture of Libby and Gus!
For some reason I didn't take a photo of everyone with her, but there were lots of other people there too.
I feel overwhelmingly blessed for having a family who welcomed our sweetling into the Bennett clan with such love and enthusiasm!
God bless the Bennett family, may they always hug too much and talk too loud...I'm glad Libby is part of such a loving bunch.

1 comment:

Amy White said...

What a loving family! I am glad that so many got to meet Libby and that she was such a good girl. Wish we could have been there. Love you all and miss you. Kisses to Libby!