Lots of visitors and learning how to be parents has sent all use of the computer to the rear of the priority list. I have had no time to post and barely any time to check out what you all have been writing about, let alone leave any comments. Give me some time and I'll be back to posting irrelevant posts about life in small town USA or slightly biased and a bit over indulgent posts about my little lovely. Until then grace and peace be with you all.
Oh, and here are a few pics from the last two weeks of baby, grandfolks, friends, and family.
Libby's first headband. I bought this in purple and pink, but Gus ate the pink one before she got to wear it! Judging by the look on her face I think she is very upset about it.

Libby's first dress that she wore to her first trip to the pediatrician.

Soaking up some sun

Babette and Grandad with "Rosie" as GD calls her

Libby with her cousins

Libby and Aunt Amy

Her pink bow...she's not sure about bows. I must admit I think I'm forcing them on her, but she looks so cute in them

Me and my lady

Gus and his lady

Daddy and his lady

Libby and Laura having a cuddle

Libby trying to cuddle with Uncle Slim, but he is trying to resist her

*By the way, thanks to everyone for all the sweet comments you have left us, they make me feel warm and fuzzy and sometimes make me cry.
so great to read your post and see the pics! i bet you had so much fun with laura and slim! I can't wait to hear all about it. she's looking great!!! love her!
Can I come up and cuddle. Looks so cozy and fun! I miss you to pieces.
Ummm... I miss you guys already! Can't wait until November (less than 2 months)
Happy 2 week birthday, Libs!
So when are you planning a trip to Glen Burnie? I'm jealous of everyone seeing and holding Libby. I hope to give her a hug in person before too long; in the meantime do you think you could give her one for Aunt Kathy?
you look so pretty in the pic with libby
miss you
wicked cute!
i love her already!
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