Apparently my blog is becoming a place of all things baby. So I thought that I would post a picture of the scariest thing of all to me...the stroller! I don't know why I'm so intimidated by them, but I think that it has to do with the fact that so many people say that their's is the best. Here are the ones I like the best so far. One Chicco and two Baby Trends.
15 Weeks Give or take a few centimeters I think that my baby is this actual size and the website said this is what they look like right now. I love my baby, but I am constantly amazed that not matter how much I love this little person, my Father loves them more.
Gus is going through something while Kevin is away. I don't know what it is, but Kev might come to no dog b/c my patience is thin. Pray for Gus. We are not talking right now.
In case you were wondering where I came up with my incredibly cheesy title, it is from the next to the last scene in the movie "Jerry Maguire." A teary Tom Cruise enters his soon to be x-wife's house and declares that life is not complete with out her. The first time I saw this scene in the movie I found it endearing, but over the years many folks with less of an acting ability then old Tommy boy, have tried to repeat it and it just sounds a little corny. However, over the last couple of days I have had some thoughts on the matter. God tells us that it is not good for man/woman to be alone and for the last two weeks I found this to be very true. For example: as I pulled into work today(late unfortunately)I ran into my coworker who was also running late. In a frantic voice, as he yanked his children from the car, he told me that his wife was sick and he was facing the morning on his own. With his life partner unable to help he was at a loss and barley able to function with out her. I didn't tell him but I can totally relate. Despite living life after college for a good five years on my own these last two and half years robbed me of what the single life was even like. Let me be the first to tell you that it stinks. Kevin has been gone for over a week and will be gone basically for a week more. "I just don't know what to do with myself." All I can say is I am a mess with out him and in the words of good ole Jerry Maguire, he completes me.
I'm living life out of my control, wondering if tears are my form of praise, holding my freedom flower, loving the one meant for me, and standing amazed at the One behind it all.