Tuesday, February 15, 2011

When Lady Spring Tells Old Man Winter That His Time Is Almost Up


February is always the time of year that my desire to live in Florida comes back.  The cold and grey drag on and on, and right when I think that I can't take one more day of indoor activities, a warm breeze blows through town and I  find myself shedding layers of thick clothing.
I sucked my cup of coffee down in seconds yesterday so that I could get the girls dressed and to the park early.  The promise of high temperatures in the 60's made me want  to have lots of time to play and romp around the woods before nap time.

We did romp and play with our friends that met us there. Our quiet little park that normally belongs just to us, was buzzing with all the other good people who were excited to welcome a spring like day.  Blue skies, room to run...perfect.

This is Charlie.  Libby loves Charlie.  Don't tell her Dad.
When we packed up and headed home, I ignored the state of my house and opened it up so that the fresh air could blow through.  Without any prompting from me, the Little sneaked outside and sat herself down on the step where she requested to eat her lunch.

 I  happily obliged her request and not wanting to be left out,  scooped my Littlest up and laid her down in the sun for the first time.  Icould almost see spring on the horizon.

Maggie loved being in the sun.  She probably would have stayed there all day.  At one point when I was chasing Liberty through the yard, I almost forgot that my baby was sun bathing on the other side of the porch.  I had this moment of panic, and I thought there was a real possibity that some angry squirrels could have carried her off and half expected to not find her on her blanket when I came back around the corner.


Thankfully she was still there, still happy, still cute as cute can be in her hand-me-down baby legs from her big sister.  She'll have to learn to live with hand-me-downs, with her #2 status.  She'll like it until she is about 11, and then she'll realize that she rarely gets anything brand new and become bitter of her older sister's clothes...oh wait...that was me!

Actually, I always loved getting things that were my older sister's.  Probably, b/c I thought that my sister was a picture of perfection and I wanted to be just like her..Still do actually, she is everything a big sister should be.
Tonight, after bath time, I caught Libby having a chat with Maggie.  This little sister was hanging on every word her big sister told her, and in that moment I knew....I knew that they will have a bond that no one will ever be able to sever.  The are bonded to each other by an ardent love (just so you know, I claimed that I would start throwing this word around more regularly, so you might start seeing it show up in every post).
I heart sisters.  So glad that I have my own.  So glad I have these two living in my house.
I can almost hear Rosemary Clooney singing in my head right now, with that big blue fan in front of her face..."sisters, sisters, there were never such devoted sisters.."


Here's to Libby's sister, and Maggie's sister, and my sister, and all sisters.

Grace and Peace

(Just a declaimer that I did not think of my title on my own.  I read something similar on someone's facebook status and thought that it sounded clever, so here it it is in my blog)


Sandra said...

Here's to more spring like days - I would like some here much more than the wet days we are getting this week.
Hope you all have fun playing outside again today.

Becky said...

Love this post! I feel the same way about my sister...and I loved getting her hand-me-downs. It was always fun when the seasons changed and we went through our spring (or winter) clothes to see what fit and what didn't.

Jill said...

Sisters are the best. This post made me cry (SHOCKER) because I love that we are all so lucky to have such amazing sisters. Libs and Maggie are no exception. And hopefully Mags holds out until like 13 when she starts hating hand-me-downs. I think that's when I started. Of course up until then, Linds and I wore matching outfits. HAHA! Memories. Love you.

Erin said...

Love the pics and of course maggie's dress and I see libs has on the little cupcake hair clip! how fun! miss you and when i see these pics i just want our kids playing together. :(

Amy White said...

Sister...I love you!!! Thank you for the post. You really are the best. You know it must be genetic because you know my girls both love hand-me-downs...I can hear one of them saying, "Oh, it's just a little hand-me-down." :) Hopefully, they enjoy it for awhile. Ha, now I have taken it a whole step further and shop consignment!!! Love you Little Sis, you are the best sister and friend a girl could have!!!!

Lisa A said...

Seeing them together makes me want a sister for Liv even more someday! :) I also vote for more pics of you on here, because motherhood looks great on you!