Saturday, January 22, 2011


Have you ever written a post that you wanted to hang on to?  So you decide to not update because you love that last thing you wrote about so much.   That's what I've been doing...Thank you so much for all of your sweet comments on Maggie's birth story.  It was such a beautiful experience that  I just want to hold onto those exact feelings I had the night that she joined us... But life continues to move forward and  Mags is 2 weeks old now, so I suppose the blog should move on as well.  We love her so much.  She is such a precious girl, just like Libby.

Speaking of my sweet Little...what a time she has had!  We had two days this week with just the three of us.  Babs and G-dad went home and Dadue went back to work, leaving me, alone, with both of them until Grandma arrived Tuesday evening.  At one point on Tuesday all three of us were crying on the couch.  Libby was crying b/c she could not have her way, Maggie was crying b/c she didn't have my full attention, and I was crying b/c I couldn't figure out how to be everything that they both needed me to be.  I was sure that my arms were far to short to hold them both.  That was the low point,  that was the point when I couldn't find something to laugh about...
A few tears and minutes later I was trying to make a grilled cheese sandwich for Libs,  and hold Mags all at once.  Well, I guess I jostled my Littlest a bit too much b/c she spit up all over my hair, my arm, and the floor after a few flips of the grilled cheese.  I think that God sent the spit ups, He knew that breast milk crusted in my hair would make me laugh.
What else is left to do when you have to throw your shirt in the laundry and find 2 seconds to run up stairs to find a clean shirt so that you're not running around the house in your ever so sexy nursing bra?
If I'm honest with you, I would tell you that I'm having a hard time finding the right balance of mothering them both, the best I can.  There is this part of me that wants to sit on the couch and stare into Maggie's deep blue eyes all day long while she tucks her little body into a ball on my chest and ignore the rest of the life that is whirling around me.  
Then there is this other part  of me that wants to scoop Libby up and go to the park, or the movies, or go on a Starbucks date together so that I could get a Mocha and she could get a "cow milk," just the two of us and nobody else. 
But, I can't sit on this couch forever,  and Libby loves her baby sister too much and would be sad if we tried to go somewhere with out her I think.
Deep breaths,
deep praying,
I can almost feel my arms stretching.

  I'm going to continuing searching and praying for just the right balance in mothering.  Let's be real though, we're girls, I'm sure there will be other days, lots of days, when we're all crying on the couch and I think that's okay.
'Till then, I'm gonna love them to death, the best that I can, and pray to my Lord that he will continue to stretch my arms long enough to wrap around them both twice...or more!

Grace and Peace Friends



Jill said...

Oh Gussy! Tell the Little that cousin GiGi will be there soon to give her all the attention that she wants. And please let Mags know that when I'm free from Libs that I'll be holding her until she turns 16 :) Love you all.

Laura said...

I love this post and these pictures. hang in there, Car. You are doing a great job!

Jennifer said...

Aww I feel for you! Even though I didn't have Leelee all that long after Harry was born, I know that the juggling was a lot harder than I anticipated. I am praying for you!
Love you and of course your pics are super precious!

Diane said...

Hang in there Carly...soon the laughter will come more often than the tears. You're a great mom!!

PS You know I love all the shades of blue in your photos :)

Abigail said...


You told the story of Maggie's entrance so beautifully. I loved it, and I'm going back to read it again, but first I wanted to express my heart-tug to this post.

It gets so much easier, honest! After Annika was born, and I was home alone with two girls under two, I remember despairing to John. I think my exact words were, "HOW IN THE WORLD am I going to be a good mama to all the other children we hope God gives us when I can't even mother two of them?!" And look at us now... :)

I pray for rest and strength and brimful bushels of joy for you as you mother these two girls. God gives the grace!

TeamWhitehead06 said...

I can totally relate! The first week with Gabriel home was H-E-Double hockey sticks! If you recall, Bastian hit me in the face with a baseball bat!!
But the second week was better, then the third week and by one month we had a rockstar routine and we had found our new normal. It was like Gabriel was never not here!

Soon you will find a perfect routine and it will be just like before!

Anonymous said...

Carly, I absolutely loved all the pictures in this post. Sorry for the stress of trying to do everything and not having enough arms and and hands. It will get easier. Of course, Greg and Laura are both 30 and 32...I can't remember exactly, so that must be a good thing, it must not have been too bad for too long. Wish I lived closer, I would love to come spend some days with you and those precious girls.
Love you, Jan Mc

Lisa said...

yep, it's hard...not gonna lie! you will find a beautiful routine. don't rush yourself. the photo with maggie squished between you and libby is precious.

Amy White said...

Love, love, love the last picture of you and Libby making a "Maggie sandwich!" Thanks for keeping me filled with pictures of my favorite girls! Love you. xoxox

Jennifer said...

Carly, Thank you so much for sharing your daily life with us! You are a great mom and an encouragement to me! It does get easier, but there will be difficult times. Amelia loved to make BIG messes while I was attending to Charlie's needs - flour, lotion, diaper cream - all over the place. I always took pictures, then disciplined and cleaned up the mess. You seem to have a great attitude toward it all. LOVE all the pictures you put in your blog. It is so great to see you and your beautiful family! God has blessed you richly!

Amanda said...

What beautiful pictures!

As for your words, I am so with you. It's been almost 6 months and I am here to tell you...

It's still hard. But it's usually easier than it was in the beginning. And I think it's made me a better Mommy and in time, I think Maryn and Josiah will be better people for having each other and having to share.

Eh, I don't know if that's very encouraging.